Connected a scan tool and found code P0411 – Secondary Air Injection System Incorrect Flow Detected.Key on, engine off, AIR pump OFF. Check the value of the Secondary Air Injection Check Valve Bank 1 and Secondary Air Injection Check Valve Bank 2 in KPa. The KPa value should read the same as the Barometric (Baro) Sensor value.. Command the AIR pump motor and the Secondary Air Injection Check Valves in KPa On. Check the scanner AIR pressure sensor value in KPa. There was 5-13 KPa increase. the value is greater than 13 kPa above the Baro value, refer to latest version of GM bulletin 18-NA-061. The issue will be a carbon restriction. Refer to the Chevy dealer . The vehicle is PZEV and under warranty for 150,000 miles.
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